
You don't need to live with a dog with problems - we can help

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Dog Display at Gt Braxted

Kai biting George
We attended the Gt Braxted Fete with our display team.  It was a bit drizzly to begin with and we went on a little late - But - it was great.  Once again, a great reaction from the crowd and the organisers were very happy.
Well done to the team (small but brilliant).  We were actually voted 'the best dog display team in Essex' - Can't get better than that :)

At training, we had a new Cane Corso attend -What a handsome dog.  He behaved really well so all is good.

I had a birthday yestersday; got some nice prezzies - and bought myself a new camcorder - So video clips coming soon.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

DTCE Display Team

Been a while since my last update.

Nigel handling Jack over 6ft Scale
(All About Dogs 2011)
We now have our own Dog Display Team ( Click here to see team images ) and our show is being very well recieved.  The guy's in the team are all enjoying the shows and the dogs are having a great time.  The image on the right was taken at All About Dogs in Brentwood (I think) and shows Jack clearing the 6ft scale.  We have attended a few venues now but have particularly enjoyed our show for Aztec at All About Dogs in Brentwood and the Robin Hood Fairs.

Our training classes are going from strength to strength and it's nice to see some old faces finding us and trying our facilities, - The nice thing about this is; it's without any prompting at all from us , so we must be doing something right :)

We are really happy with our centre; all of our instructors are doing a fantastic job in helping and supporting our club members - And their classes are great (Well done guys)

Our Monday night 'Problem Dog' class is also going very well.  We will work with the handlers to help fix their problems and they are all welcome - We don't see that helping someone 'fix' their anti-social dog as being detramental to our training centre's reputation - We think reputation is built on results and we are getting some fantastic improvements in the temperament of our regular Monday Class dogs. 

We are now getting quite a few forign members (From Kent) - I suppose, as we are only 10 mins from the Dartford Crossing, it's not too far - Nice to see them (Even Lulu)

Regarding our Tracking groups - A blind Working Cocker (Dylan) is picking it up remarkably well in the morning session.  The afternoon group are now completing three miles on a regular basis and are all doing very well.

Oh - And had a gig with Stealer last Friday and the Rackitts on Saturday - Both really went well - ( Link to Stealer Site )