
You don't need to live with a dog with problems - we can help

Friday, 29 June 2012

Olympic Dogs and Displays

We are holding our own version of the Olympic Games at training and having a BBQ and presentation afternoon on the 19 August.  We're really looking forward to it.  We have an afternoon with the Pug, French Bulldog, English Bulldog and Boston Terrier group the week after - thats always great fun.
All About Dogs - Southend

The DTCE Display Team is receiving some very nice reviews and we are really looking forward to attending All About Dogs and The Tilbury Centenary Celebrations in the next couple of weeks.

Please come along and meet the dogs if you are at either event.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Muzzles are great

At DTCE we alway embrace different methods of training as we have found there isn't a one size to fit all dogs.  Everything we do at training is to enable the handler to get the best from their dog.  As instructors it gives us really satisfaction to help people the struggle with their dogs to find the bond that makes everything click into place.

Out naughty dog class on Monday evening is a very good example of this; when they turn up for their first visit the owners are understandably on edge.  This is where the use of a muzzle comes into its own, every dog that comes to our Monday session at DTCE has to wear one because it makes the dog safe; the handler can then begin to relax and concentrate on the handling instead of worrying in case another dog or person walks too close.  

Copper and Mable - both learned to play with muzzles on

I know some very responsible dog owners that have been given verbal abuse or just down right rude behaviour just for taking their dog for a walk with its 'hat' on; our view of the muzzle is all positive.

We use the muzzle to ENABLE dogs to be socialised; it is never done to the dog or used as punishment.  I've just been reading comments from someone who thinks dogs in muzzles shouldn't be allowed out in public places.  This seems to me to be a very narrow minded view on muzzled dogs; there was also a comment from someone who was having some issues with a dog they had rescued so had it in a muzzle; to me this dog will have a much better chance of learning to relax than a dog that is kept away from everything.  What would the first person do if they rescued a dog and then found it had anti-social issues? 
Would they give it back?
Would they keep it indoors?
Would they take it out with no muzzle?

I'm sure their response would be that they would socialise it in a safe environment (not sure where that would be ) and once the dog is relaxed they would then be able to take it out into the public domain.  This all sounds fine, the problem is that until you take your dog out into meet the public, you don't know how it will react as it is now away from its 'safe' environment, so would you be irresponsible and take it out knowing it could grab something or be responsible and use a muzzle so both dog and handler can relax and are safe?  

To all of the responsible dog owners that take grumpy dogs out in muzzles well done and good luck!

Friday, 18 May 2012

All About Dogs - Brentwood

We ( DTCE Dog Display Team Team )had a fantastic time at Brentwood last weekend at All About Dogs.

We saw some people we hadn't seen for ages (some of them even spoke to us). The dogs (and team) were fantastic and the displays were very well recieved.
I'm also really please for everyone at Aztec.  They work very hard to make sure it all goes to plan; it's very hard to plan for three weeks of non stop rain.  Well done !!
Jack!! - You're supposed to touch the Seesaw
Daisy (nearest to us below) was very popular and worked very well - she was excellent on the weave poles.

We're looking forward to All About Dogs at Southend 7th & 8th July and the Tilbury Centenary  15th July

Thursday, 26 April 2012

All About Dogs in Suffolk - A really nice show

A clip of our display at All About Dogs in Suffolk.  The show was really good, our displays went down really well with the audience - Nothing we can do about the weather.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

TV Programme

Possible TV progamme in the offing - COuld be really good for Training and the Display Team.

Fingers Crossed

Monday, 16 April 2012

Brilliant Displays

 The displays really couldn't have been better.  The team (Dogs and Handler) had a fantastic time at All About Dogs in Suffolk and Newbury, even the rather damp weather didn't spoil it for us.  We stayed in a wonderful farm at Newbury, lovely rooms and great breakfast as well as miles and miles of space for the dogs to run.

It was nice to see old friends and make some new ones. 

We are reallly looking forward to All About Dogs at Brentwood.

Friday, 16 March 2012

New Display Dates

We are ready and really looking forward to our Dog Displays for 2012

The list of dates so far are below

All About Dogs - Suffolk Showground 8th & 9th April
All About Dogs - Newbury Showground 14th & 15th April
All About Dogs - Brentwood Centre 12th & 13th May
Robin Hood Show - Southend 7th & 8th July
Tilbury Centenary on the 15th July
Robin Hood Show - Norfolk 26th & 27th August
Robin Hood Show - Suffolk 6th & 7th Oct
Robin Hood Show - Newark 13th & 14th Oct

These are all really nice events - Please come and say hello if you attend

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Training Classes

Will and Lynda will be in India now helping with the rescue centre; please support them if you can.  You can get to their blog by clicking HERE

Despite the awful weather we've had over the last couple of weeks, training is going very well.
It's always good to see new people coming along and it's really nice when we can see a big improvement in their dogs behaviour in a shor time.

The field is a bit gooey at the moment but will clear up really quickly.

Friday, 10 February 2012

New home for Stanley and a trip to India

Stanley has a new home!!
I'm sure the atractive image of him in the last post must have helped :).  Stanley is now happily living with China and at the moment all is well.  They are getting on really well.

Will and Lynda won't be with us at training for a few weeks as they are off to help Karala Animal Rescue in india.;  Please follow their Blog at http://will-and-lynda.blogspot.com. - Any support for them with be appreciated.

While you are in the mood for helping; http://www.dtce.co.uk/rescue%20_dogs.html for some dogs looking for a new home.

Thanks for looking

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Socialisation Classes at DTCE

Stanley - from Wanderers Haven
We hold these classes at DTCE behind Barehams Kennels, Brentwood Road, Orsett, Essex RM16 3DR.

The original idea was to let dogs mix together (if we're not sure of the temperament they wear a basket muzzle).

The picture above is stanley (Looking for a new home - living at Wanderer Haven at the moment) Stanley is worried about people and dogs - well, he was until he joind in our Thurday socilaisation group.  It had been araining all morning so the ground was a bit tacky.  Not only did Stanley learn to play with the other dogs and mix with people; he's also learned how to change colour (He was pure white when he came in).

These classes at 12:30 on Tuesday's and Thursday's have helped a lot of dogs to learn to relax, mix and socialise.